English Patch by g_thunder_ex
English Patch by g_thunder_ex
Recently I and my friend are playing Orochi Z on PC Japanese version. So I decide to translate it to English. I simply use Photoshop and hex editor to edit images extracted from game and then re-import them to Orochi Z. This patch is still on going so please patient and I am trying to finish it. And last one, this is an unofficial patch so use it by your own risk.
Texture patch
- Use memory patch launcher, no longer have to manually import files into Linkdata files...
- Battle menu buttons (100%)
- Weapon attributes icons (100%)
- Weapon skills icons (100%)
- Abilities icons (100%)
- Strategy icons (100%)
- Story Scenario select icons (100% - name of forces)
- Story mode stage select (80% - name of stages, chapters, difficulty, etc.)
- Character select - force icons (50%)
- Camp menu buttons (100%)
- Tutorials (100%)
- Option menu buttons (100%)
- Main menu buttons (100%)
- Dream mode stage select (75% - All stage name, 50% characters name)
Conversation patch
Dialogs patches will be always around 80-90% since there're many lines in one stages and they're different depend on the characters you play. So I only translate the important story lines since I don't have time to test all characters...
Orochi 2
Chapter 1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Chapter 2 - Battle of Saika
Chapter 3 - Battle of Nagashino
Chapter 4 - Battle of Wuhang Mountains
Chapter 5 - Battle of Jia Meng Gate
Chapter 6 - Battle of Odani Castle
Chapter 7 - Battle of Koshi Castle
Chapter 8 - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains
Chapter 1 - Battle of Si Province
Chapter 2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Text patch
- All main characters name. (I use the furigana tempratory since the big text somewhat cause problems atm)
- Some sub-officers (all O2-Shu1).
- All weapons name, not 4 new OZ chars' weapons. (I'll think of some good translation for them later) (100%)
- Button Config screen. (100%)
- Weapon skills upgrade screen: all the skills name and skills descriptions. (100%)
- Abilities' description. (not only names now) (100%)
- All button explaination - the one on the bottom-left screen (99%)
- Attribute name (in list) and description. (100%)
- Strategy description. (100%)
- Move list description (all chars except 4 new chars in OZ)
- Some warning dialogs.
- Stage's description (in stage selection): O1-Shu & all O2-Shu,Wei,Wu,Orochi campaign.
- All treasure name and treasure guides.
(You don't have to download all, just download 3 latest patches (texture, dialog, text patch)
Brief translation (text file) for Dynasty Warrior - Multi Raid 2 (update May 08)
Dialogs & notices reset
Text reset (original Orochi_Z.exe file)
iZ3D - Play Musou Orochi Z in 3D

Red-Cyan optimized mode

Colorcode Amber-blue mode
Text English patch - August 09, 2010 (latest text patch)
UpdateSub-officer's names & condition.
Text English patch - Jun 03, 2010
Text English patch - May 24, 2010
Text English patch - May 19, 2010
Text English patch - May 17, 2010
Dialogs English patch - Jun 23, 2010 (latest dialog patch)
Update dialogs & notice translation for O2 - Wei 1 & 2 (I got all the script for all 8 Wei stages but don't have time to hex edit all of them yet... so be patient...)
Dialogs English patch - May 15, 2010
Dialogs English patch - May 09, 2010
Dialogs English patch - May 08, 2010
English patch - August 09, 2010 (latest texture patch)
English patch - August 09, 2010 - Bin files version (latest texture patch)
- Fix bugs & some minor editing (logo,loading logo...)
Texture English patch - Jun 23, 2010
Texture English patch - May 24, 2010
Texture English patch - May 19, 2010
Texture English patch - Apr 11, 2010
Texture English patch - Apr 04, 2010
Texture English patch - Mar 21, 2010
Texture English patch - Feb 24, 2010
Texture English patch - Feb 21, 2010
Texture English patch - Feb 20, 2010
Editor / Trainer win32
Editor / Trainer win64
Patching Instruction:
1. Turn off your Orochi Z if you are running it
2. Download 3 latest patch (texture, dialog, text)
2. Download 3 latest patch (texture, dialog, text)
3. Extract and overwrite "Orochi_Z.exe" in text patch into your Orochi Z folder. (Backup the original file if you want or download it at my blog)
4. Extract "Dialog trans.exe" in dialog patch into Orochi Z folder. Run it and wait until it finish patching.
5. Extract everything in texture patch into Orochi Z folder. Your Orochi Z folder should look like this (with 2 new * folder)
Orochi Z
--- bgm
--- data
--- for limited*
--- movie
--- Reg
--- Zadion*
6. Run the launcher "ldrACC.exe" instead of "OROCHI_Z.exe" to play game. You can config "ldrset.ini" for width and height since it will not use game's settings anymore...
7. HAVE FUN with my patch!
(Click for full size)

Camp interface (title & buttons)

Skills upgrade (Treasure, skills' name, explanation)

Abilities (abilities name & descripton)

Scenario select (clan, chapter, difficulty, name of stages, misc)

Battle menu (titles, buttons)

Distribute EXP (buttons, helper)

Tutorials (100% translated)

Dream mode (name of stages, name of chars (50%), buttons)

Diaglogs translation

Character info (name, stats)

Weapon name (almost done except 4 new OZ chars' weapon)

Button settings

Button explaination, Attribute name & description, warning dialogs

Treasure name and guides

Move list

Stage's descriptions
so, i have to down load all or just patch Feb 24
ReplyDeleteCan you show me step by step how to translate?
ReplyDeletegood job
ReplyDeletepls reupload pls , tq tq tq
ReplyDeleteYou forget to tell backup LINKDATA1.IDX
ReplyDeleteDo you have any video tutorial to patch?
i have an error like this
ReplyDelete"The application failed to intialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application"
what is the problem?
help me please and thanks.
ReplyDelete- I decide to translate maps' name too (3957). After download the latest patch (Mar 21) you only have to import 3957_v0.3 if you already import other files.
- Please follow exactly what I said in Instruction, because if you miss 1 step, it's easily to get your game crashed. So if you get error like "0xc00000135" it's because you missed step 7 "After import 1 file, I recommend that you should click BIN1 button to reload Orochi's bin file. It helps avoid the error / crash below."
- The trainer / editor I upload here is the only tool to import / export bitmap or 3d models in game. So if u want to do it urself, just export to .dds files and use Photoshop or any software to edit them and import back.
- Btw i'm testing another way to patch w/o using this trainer. Maybe i'll upload new launcher next week.
yeah thanks....
ReplyDeletethis patch really works thanks very much...
keep up the good work im cheering for you
you ROCK!!
hope you translate the name of the character and the name of the weapon...
and i know what the problem with this error "The application failed to intialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application" all you need it to download ".NET framework 2.0" then the problem solved.
Thanks alot...
Thanks for the patch it works wonderfully.
ReplyDelete-Thanks a lot for all that work, It works perfectly.
ReplyDelete-I want to help if it's possible to translate more stuff of the game, I have WO1 PS2 in the PC and W02 in the psp to take the dialogs and help translating more files.
-Are there any web with tutorials about how to do it in english?
Thanks a lot again, you make my day more happy.
ReplyDelete- Yeah I love to translate other stuff too but the problems here are OZ uses 2 pictures as font maps. So I still didn't find any way to translate the dialogs, names or descriptions. All I did is only translate the files they use bitmaps (titles, buttons, effects, etc.) On some Chinese forums, there might be some other tools to translate but I'm not sure. Still figure a way to translate that font maps... And I only know Japanese, not Chinese so it's pretty hard to search on these forums.
- Anyway, the patch I mentioned on my post is not work... i don't know why, I followed exactly the instruction but it display wrong and in some cases cause crash. That patch simply scans the memory and replace the memory with the one we translate. Maybe I'll post some tools on this post so maybe someone will figure out how to use. As for the new version of the trainer too... v1.6 and v1.7, can't export / import like version v1.4 (the one I upload)
Hey. I found this website on google.
Maybe this help you?
Thx for providing that topic. Btw it's still hard to translate because OZ uses bitmap fonts. not system font like other Japanese games. And the OrochiZEditor is very strictly in import the edited file... so i'll try figure a way to translate
ReplyDeleteHey. It's me again.
ReplyDeleteI found this on GameFAQs
But it only has dialogs from WO I
I help this can help you. Thank you very much. Without your patch I wouldn't able to play WOZ.
Thx a lot for provide link. I did check gamefaqs.com since it's my favourite website but I forgot to check O1 lol, only check O2 & OZ. So I guess I'll begin modding O1's stages first then. Btw the OZtool is very strictly in import files (must be the same size, not like the trainer I used to export / import textures). So I guess i'll do all the possible sentences first and then rewrite some to match the length.
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of questions this time.
ReplyDelete1. I noticed in OPTIONS -> GRAPHICS -> ADVANCED have this option, BURUUMU. Is this right? In my WO1 PC, it says DYNAMIC LIGHTING.
2. You say now you able to translate dialog. I wonder if you also can translate VS Mode, Gallery, character name, weapon name, ability description, weapon element description, skill description, ability acquisition, strategy info, move list, game controls, scenario stage description, and anything that have text on it. I can help translating some like weapon name or stage description, but only WO1 aspect (because I only have WO1 PC).
3. Do you know what tool used to extract files from LINKDATA from WO1 PC? If I can extract it, maybe I can send it to you, it will help make translating faster, right?
Thank you.
Thx for let me know, i'll fix that "Buruumu". I didn't play O1 on PC so I don't know what is Buruumu, just translate the Katakana to Romanji. I'm translating Dream mode and VS mode. The tools I use to translate diaglog didn't let me extract the name, description or weapon name. It only allow extract Stages' infomation and then I use Hex edit to edit them. I'll try other tools if possible. That's why now I focus on translate diablog in battles first.
ReplyDeleteFor O1 extracting tools, there're some on Chinese Forums, I'm not quite sured because it's already hard to look for OZ tools :)
Last thing, I'm able to extract PS2 sounds, movies and replace to OZ but the problems is there are too many sounds... up to 30k files in OZ... so it's hard to match them up with PS2 sound. So I didn't plan to do that.
1. Thanks again for fixing that "Buruumu".
ReplyDelete2. What do you mean by Stages' information? Is it like this:
Shu Chapter 1 - Battle of Ueda Castle
Escape from under the very noses of the enemy! Think carefully, and plan your flight!
You're right, dialog in battle is more important. How is your progress?
3. No need to replace sound & movies. Japanese voices are good too. Infact, it like watching anime with subtitle.
If you looking for character's battle quote, go here:
WO2 (PSP):
I found more guides:
ReplyDeleteWarriors Orochi - Stage Guide:
Warriors Orochi - Scene Script Guide:
Warriors Orochi 2 - Story Stage Guide:
Warriors Orochi 2 - Scene Script Guide:
Warriors Orochi 2 - Dream Stage Guide:
If you can or willing to translate the "enemy officer defeated" quotes or other misc quotes you can look to these links from koeiwarriors site:
Oops, Robby already posted. lol
ReplyDelete@thx for your links. Btw those are only scripts of before and after battles or random shouts, KOs shouts, I can't edit them yet. But they'll be helpful in future :D
ReplyDeleteThe progress is I'll release diaglogs translation of 2 battles (O2-Shu 1,2). And what I meant the tools i'm using can only edit stages' infomation is including troops number, generals' drop items, notice and dialogs. But I don't intend to do anything other than translation.
And last thing, "I really want to translate character names, weapons name or description for abilities, upgrade skills or strategies. BUT I CAN'T edit them atm" so please don't ask why I don't translate them first.
What about the link from GameFAQs? Did it help you translating?
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to download and testing it.
Do you need in-game notice like this: (example from O1 Shu 1)
Make for the escape point!
Make for the escape point by detouring to the west!
Zuo Ci has withdrawn from the battlefield!
Danger! Yoshihiro Shimazu is approaching the main enemy camp!
The main enemy force has detected the escape!
Ginchiyo Tachibana has appeared!
Hurry to escape point!
An allied officer is being held prisoner!
Destroy the mobile prison cell and rescue the allied prisoners!
The enemy forces are advancing!
The Ueda Castle defense forces have appeared!
Zuo Ci is acting as a decoy!
An allied officer is acting as a decoy!
All gates of Ueda Castle have opened!
Zhang He has appeared!
The gate to the escape point has opened!
The escape point has been safely reached!
It's OK, take your time. You're already done a great job by translating menu and many things. A million thank you to you.
Yes, the script file from Gamefaqs is exactly the one I need. It took a long time to test more than I thought so I only can finish 1 stage :( and there're still some notice bugs that I don't know why... I re-edit the file 3 times lol. Well, so you guys feel free to report any bugs here and I'll fix it later. At the begin of May I'll have a plenty of time... but not now, there're a lot of stupid assignments to do...
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I also need in-game notice since it included in the stage's information so I can translate it too. But they're less complicated and repeat alot so it's not as hard as the conversation.
Btw, the limited space to translate is really a big problem... especially in notices, sometimes I have to cut all the words, just use main verb. So don't complain about the contraction or grammar errors :D
You forgot to tell to backup LINKDATA2.BIN and LINKDATA2.IDX for dialog translation.
ReplyDeleteHere in-game notice for O1 - Shu 2:
Yue Ying is being held prisoner!
The Orochi Army has appeared!
Magoichi Saika has arrived!
Rescue Yue Ying!
Magoichi Saika is requesting aid from the Coalition Army!
Alliance formed with the Yue Ying Army!
A peasant militia has appeared as reinforcement for the Coalition Army!
The gates of the first barrier have opened!
The Orochi Army has released rolling boulders!
The Orochi Army's boulders have been stopped!
Zhao Yun has defeated 100 opponents!
The gates of the second barrier have opened!
Yue Ying has been successfully rescued!
The gates to the central square has closed!
An Orochi Army ambush has appeared!
Defeat the enemy officers and break the enemy stranglehold!
Orochi Army reinforcements has appeared!
The gates to the central square has opened!
Escort Yue Ying to the escape point!
The gates of the fourth barrier have opened!
Zhang Bao has been routed by Munezane Shiroishi!
The gates of the fifth barrier have opened!
The escape point has been safely reached!
It's already good that someone like you can translate the game, so the contraction or grammar errors is not a problem for me as long as it's enough to understand the game story.
There are weird notice texts when you defeat Dong Zhuo and when Taigong Wang opens the gate.
ReplyDeleteThx for the notice for stage 2, btw I already noticed those errors. I don't know why, I re-edited that file 3 times already lol. Maybe I'll figure out latter... It's kind of boring when only do 1 stage over and over, I'll translate other stages first then.
ReplyDeleteMannnn, haven't tested it out yet, but thanks! And I will be more than glad in assisting you in any way I can :) . Don't know much about programming and patching, but if you need data entry, I'm your guy! :D .
ReplyDeleteToday I intend to continue on O1-Shu2 and found out that the scripts from gamefaqs is not exactly what I want. It classifies conversations by characters, not by stages and time... So I still have to replay those stages on my old PS2, but that script file still help me from typing dialogs, just search and copy texts to my textfiles.
ReplyDeleteCan you make that the dialog translation as separate download? So if there is no change in the old translation, we only have to download the dialog translation. I asked for this because my internet has limited bandwidth. I think the old translation is almost complete, right?
ReplyDeleteAbout the in-game notice, I will try send one or two stages info (start from Shu) to you at daily basis. I hope someone else also help you with this too, because the stages from O1 are so many.
Orochi I - Shu Chapter 2X
Jiang Wei is retreating to prepare an ambush!
Lure out the enemy units from the west!
Lure out the enemy units from the east!
The western enemy units have begun to advance toward the decoy unit!
Lure the enemy units as fas as the ambush point!
Avoid battle to ensure the ambush attack works!
The Orochi Arm has launched a full attack!
The eastern enemy units have begun to advance toward the decoy unit!
The western enemy units have successfully lured out!
Lure out the remaining enemy units!
The eastern enemy units have successfully lured out!
The Jiang Wei Army has sprung an ambush!
The Orochi Army's morale is falling!
Zhao Yun has defeated Zhou Fang!
Alliance formed with the Jiang Wei Army!
Jiang Wei has vowed to fight with the Coalition Army!
Orochi I - Shu Chapter 3
Infiltrate Cheng Du Castle via the rear path!
Do not allow the messengers to reach the enemy forces!
The Coalition Army has been spotted by a messenger!
A messenger has reached the enemy forces!
Enemy ambush troops have appeared!
The enemy forces have launched a ferocious attack against Cheng Du Castle!
The Yuan Tan unit's morale is rising!
The enemy forces have launched a full assault!
Alliance formed with the Wei Yan Army!
Yukimura Sanada is advancing!
The Coalition Army has launched a counterattack!
Yukimura Sanada is vowed to fight with the Coalition Army!
Da Ji has appeared!
Defeat Da Ji!
Ok, i'll upload them seperately. Btw I still didn't finish the dreammode yet, only 50% characters' name were translated. And VS mode, survival mode too. Btw I think I'll start translating O1 (ur notices & scripts from gamefaqs)
ReplyDeleteThank you. And don't forget the "Buruumu" in option menu.
ReplyDeleteHere another in-game notices:
Orochi I - Shu Chapter 3X
Convince Pang De to defect to the Coalition Army!
Orochi Army's stronghold has been seized! (if defeat any enemy base captain)
Enemy ambush troops have appeared! The Hojo Army is surrounded!
The Hojo Army's stronghold has fallen (if allied base captain was defeated)
Ujimasa Hojo's loyalty is wavering!
The Ujimasa Hojo Unit's morale is falling!
Rescue the Hojo Army!
Wei Yan stands undaunted, blocking the path forward!
Alliance formed with the Hojo Army!
Ujiteru Hojo has been rescued!
Ujiteru Hojo has pledged to fight to the death!
The Hojo Army's morale is rising!
Pang De is beginning to doubt himself!
Norihide Matsuda has been rescued!
Norihide Matsuda has pledged to fight to the death!
Ujinao Hojo has been rescued!
Ujinao Hojo has pledged to fight to the death!
Ujinori Uesugi has been rescued!
Ujinori Uesugi has pledged to fight to the death!
The enemy forces are advancing upon the Hojo Army!
The Hojo Army's morale is falling!
Ujimasa Hojo has been rescued!
Ujimasa Hojo has pledged to fight to the death!
Pang De is moved by the nobility and courage of the Coalition Army!
The main body of the enemy forces has turned its attention to the Hojo Army!
The Coalition Army's morale is rising!
Coordinate with the Hojo Army and attack the Orochi Army from both sides!
The Hojo Army is preparig defend itself against the main enemy forces!
Norihide Matsuda has been defeated!
The main body of the enemy forces has been obliterated!
The Coalition Army has turned its attention to Pang De!
Pang De has vowed to fight with Yue Ying!
Orochi I - Shu Chapter 4
The Meng Huo Army is engaged in combat with the Orochi Army!
Rescue Zhu Rong!
Zhu Rong has requested the Coalition Army for aid!
Zhu Rong has been successfully rescued!
The gates of the northwestern defense base have opened!
Meng Huo is refusing to cooperate with the Coalition Army!
Rescue the officers of the Meng Huo Army!
Ensure that Meng Huo and Zhu Rong stay safe!
Alliance formed with the Meng Huo Army!
Dong Tu Na has been successfully rescued!
Dong Tu Na has temporarily retreated to recuperate!
Meng Huo's stance toward the Coalition Army appears to be softening!
Shortcut accessed!
Ahui Nan is struggling!
Jinhuan Sanjie has been successfully rescued!
Jinhuan Sanjie has temporarily retreated to recuperate!
Meng Huo's stance toward the Coalition Army appears to be softening!
Ahui Nan has been successfully rescued!
Ahui Nan has temporarily retreated to recuperate!
Meng Huo's stance toward the Coalition Army appears to be softening!
Orochi Army reinforcements have arrived!
Reinforcements from the Meng Huo Army have arrived!
Meng Huo has vowed to fight with the Coalition Army!
The Meng Huo Army is advancing!
An Orochi Army ambush has appeared!
Allied armored troops have arrived!
The gates of the southern defense base have opened!
Here two more:
ReplyDeleteOrochi I - Shu Chapter 4X
The wooden boxes contain treasure hidden by Goemon Ishikawa!
Goemon Ishikawa is demoralized!
The Coalition Army's morale is rising!
Zhu Rong has defeated Miscreant!
Goemon Ishikawa's treasure has been found!
Goemon Ishikawa's speed has slowed!
Miscreants have appeared!
Goemon Ishikawa is hesitating, torn between fleeing and grabbing more treasure!
Okuni has appeared!
Okuni is advancing toward Goemon Ishikawa!
Goemon Ishikawa has altered his course!
Kotara Fuma has appeared!
Okuni is managing to slow Goemon Ishikawa down!
Alliance formed with Okuni!
Musashi Miyamoto has appeared!
Goemon Ishikawa is making for the escape point!
Musashi Miyamoto has reappeared to pay his debt to Zhu Rong! (if you managed to defeat him)
Goemon Ishikawa has vowed to fight with Ginchiyo Tachibana! (if you defeat him)
Goemon Ishikawa has escaped!
As Goemon Ishikawa has escaped, the battle is lost!
Orochi I - Shu Chapter 5
Rescue Liu Bei!
Ensure the ship captain stays safe!
Enemy ambush troops have appeared!
Advance, searching the empty castles on the way!
The gates of the southeastern defense base have opened!
Suspicious activity has been detected on top of the towers!
The enemy plan has been successfully detected! Enemy ambush troops have appeared! (right castle)
The enemy plan has been successfully detected! Enemy ambush troops have appeared! (middle up castle)
The enemy forces are advancing!
Suspicious activity has been detected among allied troops!
The suspicious allied troops are on the move!
Zhao Yun has been defeated!
Enemy ambush troops have been spotted! The enemy plan has been successfully detected! (left castle)
Liao Hua has been routed by Fusamoto Makabe!
The ship captain is under enemy attack!
Ship Captain is struggling!
The ship captain is struggling! Assist at once!
The ship captain has been forced to flee! There is no longer any means of escape! (if ship captain is defeated)
The gates of Xin Di Castle have opened!
Allied reinforcements have arrived!
Yuan Shao has been rescued!
Zhuge Liang has appeared!
Sun Quan has appeared!
The enemy forces have launched a full assault!
Another two:
ReplyDeleteOrochi I - Shu Chapter 5X
The Coalition Army is advancing!
The eastern unit's progress is being blocked!
The western unit's progress is being blocked!
Work with Magoichi Saika and lure the enemy forces to the center of the battlefield!
The eastern allied unit has halted its advance!
The western allied unit has halted its advance!
The Orochi Army is advancing!
Masamune Date is gathering his forces in the center!
The eastern allied unit has resumed its advance!
The western allied unit has resumed its advance!
Continue to lure the enemy forces to the center of the battlefield!
Masamune Date is continuing to concentrate his forces in the center!
Hold the center of the battefield until the pincer movement can be executed!
The eastern allied unit has accelerated its advance!
The western allied unit has accelerated its advance!
The flank units are advancing upon Masamune Date!
The Orochi Army's morale is falling!
The Coalition Army's morale is rising!
Masamune Date has vowed to fight with Zhao Yun!
Orochi I - Shu Chapter 6
Hurry to rescue Sun Ce!
The Wu Lan and Lei Tong units are moving to rescue Sun Ce!
The Wang Ping unit are moving to lure out the Orochi Army!
The eastern bypath gate has opened!
Xiahou Ba has been successfully lured out!
The Coalition Army's morale is rising!
Sun Ce has been successfully rescued!
Alliance formed with the Sun Ce Army!
Cao Ren is fighting with fierce determination!
The Orochi Army has temporarily halted their advance!
Help Sun Ce defeat Sima Yi!
The Coalition Army is advancing toward the planned fire attack location!
Eliminate all enemies from the planned fire attack location!
Zhu Ran is advancing toward the planned fire attack location!
Zhu Ran has begun preparations for the fire attack!
Protect Zhu Ran until his fire attack ready!
The Xin Ping unit has arrived!
Zhu Ran is preparing a fire attack!
Kotaro Fuma has entered the battlefield!
Kotaro Fuma has joined the orochi Army!
Eliminate the intruder Kotaro Fuma!
The intruder Kotaro Fuma has left the battlefield!
Preparations for the fire attack are complete!
Fall back temporarily to lure the enemy officers to the fire attack site!
The Orochi Army is advancing!
The Orochi Army is approaching the fire attack site!
Fall back further and lure them into the trap!
The fire attack has succeeded!
The Orochi Army's morale is falling!
The enemy front line units are retreating!
Pursue the enemy!
The enemy is regrouping!
Zhu Ran has defeated Xu Rong!
The Xin Pi has arrived!
The Coalition Army is victorious!
thank you
ReplyDelete@all: I can't release this week since there're many things to do. I recently got a part-time project in Flash game dev. So maybe I'll release nextweek. I still continue translate Orochi 2 first because they're in order (eg. 4251 O2-Shu1, 4252 O2-Shu2) but O1's stages are not... I have to search through the Japanese name and figure myselft since there're some stages have same name (eg. Battle of Hasedou - 石亭の戦い, but 4372 is for O1-Shu2...)
ReplyDeleteI tried to run both trainer and there's no problems to load the bin file but result still remain the same (no English patch when I start the game)..The original bin file was 1.52GB and 1.6GB after loading the patch (according to your instructions).My PC runs 64bit but the game was automatically installed on Program file86 32bit.. Please help me...
ReplyDeleteWeird, i din't try this on win64 yet, also the 64bit trainer. But the game only load linkdata files to work, so it must be in English (not all, but at least the menu and all the translation things I mention above). Well, I don't know about this case :) just try to load trainer again and check if your linkdata is patched (e.g. go to 3940 and check the pictures in there to see whether it's in English)
ReplyDeleteCan u post a picture of step 6 ?
ReplyDeleteGreat work!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to let you know that you have added an extra "H" in the name of the Sapphire treasure (Shapphire). Hope you fix it in the upcoming versions.
- in step 6: target a number you want to import (e.g. 03940 in the list) and then click import and choose my bin file (also 3940.bin)
ReplyDelete- thx for letting me know the typo. i'll fix it with the "bururumu" in graphic option :D
- Now i'm free for at least 1 month so I'll begin translating again, hope i'll finish 2 more stages tonight
I found you blog when i was searching for MOZ translation. It's probably only place on the web which contains it :D
ReplyDeleteCan you post a simple tutorial on how to use this tool? Also can you post another tutorial about how you cut these graphics from .idx & .bin files? Putting new files on is easy but i want to continue translating (with my friend which studies japanese culture;) )
I'll make a movie tutorial soon since there're too many people asking me this... The tool I upload is the software allow you to export picture (texture) / 3D models to .DDS format (nvidia format). So you have to find a plugin to open dds in a photo editor (i use Photoshop) or convert tools to open in 3DS or Maya (i didn't try 3d models yet but I saw many tuts on Chinese forums).
ReplyDeleteBtw not all text in OZ are pictures, that's why now I'm using OrochiZEditor (a famous tools for cheating Koei game on PC) to do extract text. It's not a tool for translating btw I can extract stages' infomation and use hexeditor to edit conversation / notices.
So I'm just trying to translation as much as I can with these 2 tools (大蛇无双Z全功能修改器 editor & OrochiZEditor 1.00 Build0124(Van))
thank so much !
ReplyDeleteCan youn help me install musou orochi z? cause everytime i hit setup some error comes up and it says 1155... etc
ReplyDeleteAll you have to do is install .NET framework 2.0
ReplyDeleteYou can find it on the internet, it's free.
you are great!
ReplyDeleteIt would be very impressive if you could translate 100% and add some english voice like dynasty warriors 5 special
ReplyDeletePractically, I can use sound extracting from O2 PS2 then import back to Sound.Bin. I already have soft to decompress Sound.Bin and know the order of it (to match with English). Btw, I still didn't have compress soft yet, although i think it's easy though... And there're many people want me don't touch the sound / fmv... like me, i always watch aJap nime with subtitles rather than English voice...
ReplyDeletehey buddy, the link for the new texture patch is still the one from the april 11 version. are the updates included?
ReplyDeletebtw. your doing a great job with the translation, keep it up!
great job man! congratulations!! working perfectly here
ReplyDeleteAh yeah... sorry, forgot to change the link, because I copy the code from below. I'll fix it now, or you can download it here:
Hi. Good work but it isnt working :(. I think i did everythinh right but when i star the game it just crashes out of the blue. And I'm not really understanding step 6 and 7. Do i have to click on BIN1 and then patch?
ReplyDeleteyeah, step 6-7 is the most important... there're many people did the wrong way and made linkdata1.bin crash.
ReplyDeleteSo now you have to
- use ur old back-up linkdata1.bin or linkdata1.idx. If u didn't back-up, so reinstall the game.
- open trainer, open import / export tool
- open orochi z folder in the tool and wait for it loaded.
- select the number you want to import (ex: 03940) then click the import button (see the picture) and choose the file in my patch (03940_done.bin).
- after you finish import 1 files. CLICK THE BIN1 button or open orochi Z folder again just to force the tool RE-LOAD your linkdata1.bin
- after it reload, do the same things again, import another file (ex 03960) and then click BIN1... etc untill all files are imported.
- text-patch and dialog-patch are easy, just copy exe to Orochi Z folder and run them.
Thanks!! Got it working. Keep up good work.
ReplyDeleteThis patch is so awesome now, This game is much more enjoyable now. A million thanks for you.
ReplyDeleteBTW, why don't you make that small english text above japan word for weapons name (like the characters name). I bet it's will better looking this way.
Dragon's Tail --> Dragon's Tail
Dragon T +20 --> (japan word)+20
And I also notice that some character's name don't have space like DianWei & MiyamotoMusashi.
And can you translate the stage conditions and treasure in battle menu too?
Sorry for my many questions. Thank you.
@Robby: yes, i'm still using the weapon's furigana (small text) to translate but sometime there's not enough space to do that. That's why I decide to use both (big & small text) to translate weapon name. So you'll see some weapon name is "Dragon" and full name is in small text "Fierce Dragon". But sometimes I have to use both to translate it, such as NO's 4th weapon: Delicious Venom - small text "delici." and big text "venom". Btw I will fix it to make it look good later.
ReplyDeleteAnd about no space, it is also because of space limited too...
Now I'm working on Map description (such as escape gate, name of mt, garrison .etc), Stage condition & Sub officers' name... a lot of works. But I still continue the dialog patch... Complete O2-Wei1-2, I'll release when I done O2-Wei4.
And last, I still continue translate O2 instead of O1 because I'm still farming my O2 on PS2... lazy to change disc and almighty is much more better than O1 :D
OK thanks. Keep up your good work.
ReplyDeleteIf there is any text you want from O1, just ask it. I will try to get it for you.
To paly orochi 2 do we have to finish orochi 1? I cant choose orochi 2 story mode :S
ReplyDeleteYes, you have to complete all O1 campaign mode (no need X stages, just normal stages)
ReplyDelete@Robby: I'm translating sub-generals name atm, so can you list all the sub-generals name in O1, begin with O1-Shu? and conditions too...
V: Defeat Da Ji.
D: Liu Bei is defeated.
Shu Army
Lei Tong
Li Jue
Hua Xiong
Da Ji Army
V: Defeat Cao Ren or Zhao Yun arrives at the Escape Point.
D: Zhao Yun is defeated.
Coalition Army
Zhang Bao
Zhao Yun
Orochi Army
Cao Ren
Niu Jin
Wang Shuang
Cao Shang
Deng Ai
Wen Pin
Zuo Ci Army
Zuo Ci
V: Yue Ying and Zhao Yun arrive at the Escape Point.
D: Yue Ying or Yoshihisa Shimazu is defeated.
Coalition Army
Yoshihisa Shimazu
Zhang Bao
Wang Ping
Zhao Yun
Orochi Army
Yoshitsugu Otani
Zhang Yan
Murashige Araki
Yue Ying Army
Yue Ying
V: Defeat Zhang He and Da Qiao.
D: Arinobu Yamada is defeated.
Coalition Army
Arinobu Yamada
Yoshihisa Shimazu
Zhang Bao
Toyohisa Shimazu
Zhao Yun
Orochi Army
Zhang He
Da Qiao
Naoyasu Akaza
Tamehiro Hiratsuka
Zhou Fang
Niu Jin
Sun Li
Yang Xiu
Su Fei
Shigemasa Toda
Jiang Wei Army
Jiang Wei
Nice, btw you don't have to list main officers (such as Jiang Wei, Zhange He) since they automatic get it in the officer name data I translated before.
V: Defeat Yuan Shao.
D: Wei Yan is defeated.
Coalition Army
Zhang Bao
Yuan Shao Army
Nobuyuki Sanada
Yuan Tan
Yuan Xi
Wen Chou
Yan Liang
Morinobu Nishina
Shigenari Kimura
Bitchu Kozuki
Yorisada Yazawa
Gao Lan
Gao Gan
Wei Yan Army
Wu Lan
Lei Tong
Liao Hua
V: Defeat Pang De.
D: Yukimura Sanada is defeated.
Coalition Army
Teruzumi Akashi
Matabei Goto
Orochi Army
Jia Xu
Yoshinobu Satake
Yoshishige Satake
Nagayuki Miyoshi
Masayasu Miyoshi
Yoshikata Rokkaku
Hojo Army
Ujimasa Hojo
Ujinori Uesugi
Ujinao Hojo
Norihide Matsuda
Ujiteru Hojo
V: Defeat Sima Yi.
D: Meng Huo or Zhu Rong is defeated.
Coalition Army
Zhang Bao
Liao Hua
Orochi Army
Hidemoto Mori
Yan Baihu
Wang Lang
Zang Ba
Mototsuna Kutsuki
Yan Pu
Naoyasu Akaza
Tatsuoki Saito
Yang Huai
Meng Huo Army
Dong Tu Na
Ahui Nan
Jianhuan Sanjie
V: Defeat Goemon Ishikawa.
D: Wei Yan is defeated, or Goemon Ishikawa arrives at the Escape Point.
Coalition Army
Liao Hua
Wu Lan
Lei Tong
Brigand Troop
Sukeyasu Innoshima
Narihide Kodama
Munekatsu Nomi
Yoshitaka Kuki
Ujiyoshi Horinouchi
Nagayasu Sogo
V: Rescue Liu Bei.
D: Ship captain is defeated.
Coalition Army
Zhang Bao
Liao Hua
Matabei Goto
Katsunaga Mori
Ship Captain
Orochi Army
Yoshitsugu Maeba
Dong Min
Xu Rong
Li Ru
Shigemoto Makabe
Fusamoto Makabe
V: Defeat Masamune Date.
D: Magoichi Saika is defeated.
Coalition Army
Zhang Bao
Kakuken Uwai
Shigetomo Suzuki
Wu Tugu
Orochi Army
Tsunamoto Oniniwa
Cao Xing
Zhang Xiu
Kojuro Katakura
Zhang Wei
Dong Xi
Guo Tu
Feng Ji
V: Defeat Sima Yi.
D: Yoshihisa Shimazu or Sun Ce is defeated.
Coalition Army
Yoshihisa Shimazu
Wu Lan
Wang Ping
Lei Tong
Orochi Army
Xiahou Ba
Sima Zhao
Guo Huai
Cai Mao
Zang Ba
Xu Rong
Niu Fu
Niu Jin
Zhu Ring
Sun Ce Army
Liu Han
V: Defeat Mitsunari Ishida.
D: Meng Huo is defeated.
Coalition Army
Orochi Army
Mi Fang
Wei Xu
Ji Ling
Wang Shuang
Cao Xing
Yue Jin
Mitsuuji Ujiie
Hidetsuna Sakenobe
Minbu Satomi
Mitsuyasu Shimura
Mitsunao Tateoka
Swordsman Troop
Munenori Yagyu
Nagamasa Kuroda
Yoshimasa Tanaka
Kanesuke Susukida
V: Rescue Liu Bei.
D: Toshihisa Shimazu is defeated.
Coalition Army
Toshihisa Shimazu
Nobuyuki Sanada
Wang Ping
Zhang Bao
Matabei Goto
Shigenari Kimura
Orochi Army
Fei Yi
Zhou Cang
Ma Liang
Mi Zhu
Ma Su
Fa Zheng
Sun Qian
Yang Yi
Jiang Wan
V: Peasant arrives at the Escape Point.
D: All of the Peasants are defeated.
Coalition Army
Wang Ping (appears as reinforcement)
Matabei Goto (appears as reinforcement)
Orochi Army
Mi Fang
Li Su
Fu Shi Ren
Hua Xiong
Guo Si (appears when all officers above are defeated)
Dong Min (appears when all officers above are defeated)
Fan Chou (appears when all officers above are defeated)
Niu Fu (appears with Dong Zhuo)
Hu Che Er (appears with Dong Zhuo)
Diamondback (appears Before Lu Bu arrives)
Coachwhip (appears Before Lu Bu arrives)
Li Ru (appears after Lu Bu is defeated)
Hu Zhen (appears after Lu Bu is defeated)
Xu Rong (appears after Lu Bu is defeated)
Li Jue (appears after Lu Bu is defeated)
Li Meng (appears after Lu Bu is defeated)
Yan Baihu (appears after Lu Bu is defeated)
Yan Yu(appears after Lu Bu is defeated)
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Zhuge Liang is defeated.
Coalition Army
Toshihisa Shimazu
Wang Pinf
Zhang Bao
Tadamune Ijuin
Katsunaga Mori
Shigenori Suzuki
Orochi Army
Wei Xu
Gao Shun
Song Xian
Motoyoshi Murakami
Mitsunaga Irobe
Shogen Yamaji
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Guan Yu is defeated.
Coalition Army
Guan Suo
Zhou Cang
Wen Chou
Gao Lan
Fa Zheng
Tadamoto Niiro
Hisatoro Ei
Iehisa Shimazu
Orochi Army
Yuan Shu
Hua Xiong
Hu Zhen
Ji Ling
Zhang Lu
Zhou Xin
Zhang Xiu
Xing Daorong
Chen Gong
Li Ru
Gao Shun
Zhang Yan
Hu Che Er
Tao Qian
If there are any missing, let me know. I will try to find it.
keep up the good work! :P
ReplyDeleteDude, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this incredible work.
ReplyDeletewhat does "sereprrated" mean?I looked for it on dictionary but...(sr,my eng is poor)
ReplyDeletewell, it's a typo... mistyped, what I mean is you have to download all 3 latest patches because I seperate the patch into 3 sections.
ReplyDeleteSorry if this sounds stupid, but the dialog patch so far only translates the Shu campaign in WO2 right?
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple of wrong officers name in my posting.
ReplyDeleteIn Shu1: Cao Shang (Orochi Army) --> Cao Zhang
In Shu8: Wang Pinf (Coalition Army) --> Wang Ping
I am sorry for these error.
In the meantime, I am preparing all the condition and the officers name in one RAR file (just finished Shu and Wei).
It will be finished in one day or two. When it's done, I will email it to you.
Thank you.
Yep, read the feature, i've already said only conversation O2-Shu campaign...
ReplyDelete@robby: nvm, I still didn't translate them yet, just collecting them first. Thx for correcting them anyway. After done translating special attack description, I'll continue on O2-Wei... and some sub-officers. I want to do many different areas just because it's too boring just working on one :)
I hope I'll finish O2-Wei at the end of this week... I still have 1 more free months.
English patch - May 24, 2010 (latest texture patch)
ReplyDeletethe link doesnt work
i can not download English patch - May 24, 2010 (latest texture patch)
ReplyDeleteGreat job! One question though: Does this patch also work with the Chinese version of the game?
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!!
Hi,Holy Sword.
ReplyDeleteThanx for your tuts on using OrochiZeditor(and for uploading those files too,hehe).I totally clueless coz it in Chinese!
I wanna ask you how you edit those bin file. That editor can only import .bin,right?How did you insert your edited bmp? I have few skill in Photoshop and succecfully patched some DW6 charas skin with SSM5editor(I deleted`_UK` in`LINKDATA_UK.bin` to make that editor working).
SSM5editor can import bmp and png,so can you explain how exactly you import your great jobs?
thanx before
@all: sorry for the mistyped Texture patch May 24 links... there're an extra http//... You can get it here:
I've already fix the link above btw.
@guruguruMusou: the tool i upload above is for both import & export. You can't not edit .bin file but you can export files in 1 bin files, such as: there are 85 .DDS files in 03940. After export them, you can edit in Photoshop for example, but you need a DDS plugins for Photoshop. You can get in my mediafire folder also: http://www.mediafire.com/?k4e4tzmwwyv
Btw for this English patch, I have to use many tools to translate, because not all texts are in bitmap files. So I also have to use OrochiZEditor + Hexeditor to translate dialogs and hexedit the Orochi_Z.exe...
And about Asia (Chinese) version, I'm not sure because maybe the Orochi_Z.exe files is different, hex address different, etc.
ReplyDeleteAnd also, there's a same trainer / editor tools for Chinese version on Chinese forums, I didn't downloaded it though, so not sure...
I seem to be crashing constantly while trying to play the WO1-Shu story mode. Whenever I try to start the 2nd stage, it always crashes before the map even loads. Has anyone else run into this problem?
ReplyDeletethank you 4 upload English patch - May 24, 2010 (latest texture patch)
ReplyDeleteIt runs normally on my computer (O1-Shu2-Battle of Hasedou). Maybe your linkdata files are crashed, try repatch again (texture patch - lindata1, dialog patch - linkdata2)
ReplyDeleteSomehow the dialog patch is not working for me at all.
ReplyDeleteI patched my game with the latest dialog patch, it says "Success!" at the end. But ingame all the dialogs are still in japanese.
Just to make sure that I applied all "texture patches" right:
ReplyDeleteGallery (except for weapon names) & Trophies are not translated at all, and neither is any tresure info or conditions.
Is that the how it is supposted to be as of current version?
Oh, and of course, great work! Helped me a lot.
I'm trying really hard but I can't pull it off(my will to play this game is so big that I'm almost playing it even in japanese , which is really uncomfortable since I don't understand a thing)
ReplyDeleteIf a video could be made to explain it step by step it would get much easier,right? thanks.
plz read my blog carefully... This is not a complete patch yet, i'm still working on it and I am almost do this alone so can't be any faster. And well, I already upload a small flash tutorial above, so watch it if you don't understand instruction texts...
ReplyDeleteAnd plz don't ask "I use the patch but why don't this/that translated"... I already show all the progress on my blog and in readme.txt... so, read before ask!
I've made it, the patch works for me. I used you'r flash tutorial and it worked the second time because I didn't reload the Bin1 thing. A question. Are you still working on this? Thanks a lot for all of this, you should get paid for doing what Koei didn't!
ReplyDeleteI wish you good luck, you deserve it, man! Really, thanks a lot.
Thank you. I'm still working on this patch, and will update in this week. At first, I didn't intend to translate all, just some before Koei release English version. But now Koei announced that the English version will not be released... so I'll keep translating as much as I can.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that at Battle of Wu Hang Mt, after defeat all the sorcerers, Mistuhide said ' the mist has been cleared' I think, there's a typo error, should be 'clear' not 'cleat'.. Sorry if this annoys you, just want to help you..
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for the patch!
Nah, I'm really appreciated people who report bugs/typo here since I don't have enough time to check all my translation... Each stages usually take me 3-4 times playing through all and I even have to test many case (win,defeat,plan success,plan fail,etc.)... a lot of times... So please report bugs/typo here as much as you can (but not grammar error because of the limited edit space, sometimes I have to ignore the grammar)
ReplyDeleteThis patch is great, and I check this site every week. I wish you all the best in completing it, as then I will have some idea what is going on in the Orochi 2 and Dramatic states (if you do those as well).
ReplyDeleteOne note, on the 'Focus' ability, is a typo; 'inrease' should be 'increase'
This is the best thing ever, as I've only been able to play WO1 until now, as I am a PC only person. I wish you all the best on its progress.
Another thing I have noted, is on the 'Adrenaline' ability;
ReplyDeleteIn the patch it is stated: "Restores musou every 10 ko."
This ability actually restores health on the 10th combo, and only the 10th, not each 10 like the first game.
i.e. The player hits a combo of 10, and a portion of HP is regained, but not from reaching say 20 on a combo. The player must stop the combo, and restart it to 10 to get another portion on HP.
Hope that helps, and thanks again.
Hahaha, really? I never use that Ability. Ok, i'll fix these and release later.
ReplyDeleteThis might just be me, but are the descriptions for Refill and Recover mixed up?
ReplyDeleteI used refill instead recover just because the limited edit space... well, I don't know if they're different, English is not my 1st language though...
ReplyDeleteUpon comparing to WO1, refill and recover are in the right spots and the descriptions are as they should be. No fix needed.
Hi, I was doing a little exploring around the trainer and it looks like the trainer does weapon mods... Think you could translate that as well? I'm using the 64-bit version
ReplyDeleteThanks in advanced :)
@Raii Ng: there're alot of trainer / save editor for OZ in English on internet (such as OrochiZEditor by Van - excellent one). Therefore, there's no need to translate that trainer...
ReplyDelete@all: I'm testing new launcher for texture patch again... maybe we don't have to use that trainer to import directly into .BIN files anymore...
V: Defeat Dong Zhuo.
D: Cao Zhen or Zhen Ji is defeated.
Coalition Army
Cao Zhen
Cao Xiu
Hideie Ukita
Orochi Army
Dong Min
Li Ru
Minbu Satomi
Fan Chou
Tao Qian
Yoshishige Satake
Yoshinobu Satake
Shigemoto Makabe
Fusamoto Makabe
Mitsuuji Ujiie
Mitsuyasu Shimura
Yoshiaki Mogami
Hidetsuna Sakenobe
Li Meng
Zhen Ji Army
Tadaoki Hosokawa
V: Rescue Dong Zhuo.
D: The main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Cao Zhang
Li Dian
Xiahou Wei
Xiahou De
Yue Jin
Orochi Army
Hu Zhen
Tao Qian
Li Su
Zhang Ying
Da Ji Army
V: Rescue Dong Zhuo.
D: The main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Xiahou Wei
Xiahou De
Orochi Army
Yuan Shu
Kojuro Katakura
Shigezane Date
Tsunamoto Oniniwa
Masakage Rusu
Chen Lan
Honda Army
Tadamasa Honda
Tadatomo Honda
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Cao Cao is defeated.
Coalition Army
Cao Rui
Naoyori Shinjo
Hidemoto Mori
Suketada Ogawa
Chuko Shimozuma
Yoshitsugu Maeba
Orochi Army
Hidemune Date
Tsunenaga Hasekura
Tsunamoto Oniniwa
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Cao Cao is defeated.
Coalition Army
Hidemoto Mori
Hao Zhao
Naoyasu Akaza
Tamehiro Hiratsuka
Hiroie Kikkawa
Shigemasa Toda
Yue Jin
Suketada Ogawa
Orochi Army
Minbu Satomi
Mitsuyasu Shimura
Mitsunao Tateoka
Mitsushige Nobesawa
Nagayuki Miyoshi
Kazuhide Nakamura
Kazutada Nakamura
Murashige Araki
Tomomichi Iwanari
Mitsuuji Ujiie
Hidetsuna Sakenobe
Sorry if I'm late. I have a health issue in these past weeks. So there you are, another victory condition and sub officer name.
V: Defeat Huang Hai.
D: Cao Zhang or Da Ji is defeated.
Orochi Army
Cao Zhang
Yue Jin
Resistance Army
Danemon Ban
Rairyu Shimozuma
Rairen Shimozuma
Nobuchika Chosokabe
Morichika Chosokabe
Da Ji Army
V: Defeat Nobunaga Oda.
D: Cao Hong or Da Ji is defeated.
Orochi Army
Cao Hong
Cao Zhang
Yoshitsugu Otani
Yue Jin
Resistance Army
Ittetsu Inaba
Morinari Ando
Bokuzen Ujiie
Ujisato Gamo
Toshiie Maeda (not from O2)
Da Ji Army
V: Defeat all enemy officers.
D: Cao Zhang is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Orochi Army
Cao Zhang
Xu Shu
Suketada Ogawa
Cao Hong
Yoshitsugu Otani
Resistance Army
King Duosi
Dailai Dongzhu
We Tugu
Zhang Bao
Shigenari Kimura
Meng You
Meng Jie
Zhang He Troop
V: Defeat Sun Ce.
D: Cao Xiu is defeated, or Sun Ce successfully escapes.
Orochi Army
Cao Xiu
Resistance Army
Cheng Pu
Nobuyasu Matsudaira
Naomasa Ii
Tadayo Okubo
Nobumasa Matsudaira
Liu Han
Da Ji Army
V: Defeat Nene.
D: Dong Zhuo is defeated.
Orochi Army
Xu Shu
Yue Jin
Gao Shun
Wei Xu
Song Xian
Hua Xiong
Yan Yu
Resistance Army
Kiyomasa Kato
Masanori Fukushima
Harunaga Ono
Katsunaga Mori
Hideyori Toyotomi
Hidetsugu Hashiba
Hidenaga Hashiba
Hideaki Kobayakawa
Shigetomo Takayama
Yukinaga Konishi
Goemon Ishikawa Troop
V: Defeat Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan and Pang Tong.
D: The main camp falls.
Orochi Army
Cao Zhang
Cao Hong
Xu Shu
Resistance Army
Xiahou Hui
Xiahou Wei
Xiahou Mao
Xiahou De
Liu Ye
Li Dian
Xiahou He
Xiahou Shang
Sun Shang Xiang Army
Dong Xi
V: Defeat all enemy officers.
D: Cao Xiu is defeated.
Orochi Army
Cao Xiu
Yue Jin
Hao Zhao
Man Chong
Resistance Army
Yasutomo Asahina
Motonobu Okabe
Mototsuna Okabe
Nagatada Ogasawara
V: Defeat Da Ji.
D: Cao Pi is defeated.
Coalition Army
Cao Zhang
Naoyasu Akaza
Suketada Ogawa
Shigemasa Toda
Tamehiro Hiratsuka
Hidemoto Mori
Orochi Army
Kazutada Nakamura
Mitsushige Nobesawa
Mototsuna Kutsuki
Minbu Satomi
Huang Gai Army
Yoshitaka Kuki
Chuko Shimozuma
V: Defeat Dong Zhu.
D: Mitsunari Ishida or Diao Chan is defeated.
Coalition Army
Yue Jin
Orochi Army
Guo Shi
Hua Xiong
Dong Min
Fan Chou
Li Jue
Li Ru
Li Su
Niu Fu
Diao Chan Troop
V: Defeat Nagamasa Azai.
D: The main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Cao Zhang
Hiroie Kikkawa
Ekei Ankokuji
Azai Army
Kiyotsuna Akao
Masazumi Azai
Sadayuki Atsuji
Kazumasa Isono
Naganori Yamazaki
Tsunachika Kaiho
Naoyori Shinjo
Keijun Miyabe
Yoshimune Kawai
Nagashige Tomita
Da Ji Army
V: Defeat Ma Cao and Ranmaru Mori.
D: The main camp falls.
Orochi Army
Lu Su
Hidetada Tokugawa
Cheng Pu
Han Dang
Kazumasa Ishikawa
Resistance Army
Han Sui
Ma Dai
Yang Qiu
Yoshinari Mori
Tadamasa Mori
Zhang Bao
V: Defeat all enemy officers.
D: The main camp falls.
Orochi Army
Cheng Pu
Zhu Zhi
Tadayoshi Matsudaira
Masanari Naito
Resistance Army
Nobuchika Chosokabe
Kiyohide Nakagawa
Shigeyasu Suzuki
Morichika Chosokabe
Naoshige Nabeshima
Zhu Ran
Ling Cao
Da Ji Army
V: Defeat Mitsuhide Akechi.
D: The main camp falls.
Orochi Army
Tadasuke Okubo
Hidemasa Ogasawara
Ujishige Niwa
Tadayoshi Matsudaira
Resistance Army
Yoshinaga Asano
Bokuzen Ujiie
Yoshiaki Kato
Tsuneoki Ikeda
Narimasa Sassa
Shigetomo Akechi
Nobuharu Tsuda
Katsumasa Shibata
Mitsuharu Fuwa
V: Defeat Xing Cai.
D: The main camp falls.
Orochi Army
Zhu Zhi
Cheng Pu
Han Dang
Tadayo Okubo
Naomasa Ii
Resistance Army
Wang Ping
Arinaga Yamada
Zhang Bao
Zhang Yi
Li Yan
Hisataka Kabayama
Tadamoto Niiro
Hisatora El
Lei Tong
V: Defeat all enemy officers.
D: No is defeated.
Coalition Army
Orochi Army
Li Jue
Fa Zheng
Dong Min
Zhu Ring
Hu Che Er
Yan Baihu
No Army
V: Rescue Sun Jian.
D: Sun Ce or Sun Jian is defeated.
Coalition Army
Orochi Army
Hao Zhao
Cao Zhang
Shigenaga Honjo
Wen Pin
Zang Ba
Sun Jian Army
Jiang Qin
Saizo Kani
V: Defeat Zhen Ji.
D: Nobuyasu Matsudaira is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobuyasu Matsudaira
Mototada Torii
Orochi Army
Xing Daorong
Hu Che Er
Yoshikata Rokkaku
V: Defeat Sun Quan.
D: Lu Su is defeated.
Coalition Army
Zhu Zhi
Han Dang
Cheng Pu
Orochi Army
Yoshimasa Tanaka
Nagamasa Kuroda
Chen Shi
Su Fei
V: Defeat Dong Zhuo.
D: Either Zhu Zhi or Da Qiao is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Zhu Zhi
Hidetada Tokugawa
Naomasa Ii
Yasumasa Sakakibara
Tadatsugu Sakai
Orochi Army
Hua Xiong
Cao Xing
Song Xian
Mitsushige Nobesawa
Li Meng
Mi Fang
Minbu Satomi
Tatsuoki Saito
Deng Ai
Murashige Araki
Zhong Hui
Wei Xu
Wang Shuang
Guo Huai
Gao Shun
Hu Zhen
Ji Ling
Da Qiao Army
V: Defeat Sun Quan.
D: Lu Su is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Lu Su
Naomasa Ii
Han Dang
Cheng Pu
Tadayoshi Matsudaira
Hidemasa Ogasawara
Naotaka Ii
Orochi Army
Sun Shao
Xu Sheng
Zhu Huan
Ding Feng
Cao Zhen
Hao Zhao
Yu Jin
Gao Shun
Fu Shi Ren
Nagayuki Miyoshi
Cao Hong
Yue Jin
Yoshitsugu Otani
Satoie Gamo
Cao Zhang
Hiroie Kikkawa
V: Defeat Keiji Maeda.
D: Lu Meng is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Masanobu Honda
Orochi Army
Kagetsugu Amakasu
Dokyu Yamagami
Takeyoshi Murakami
Yoshimitsu Murakami
Yang Huai
Yan Pu
Mitsuyasu Shimura
Tositsune Maeda
Cao Xing
V: Defeat Da Ji.
D: Lu Su, Sun Jian, or Sun QUan is defeated.
Coalition Army
Zhu Zhi
Han Dang
Cheng Pu
Jiang Qin
Dong Xi
Orochi Army
Niu Jin
Guo Huai
Sima Zhao
Hua Xiong
Zhu Ling
Wen Pin
Cai Mao
Xin Ping
Zang Ba
Mi Fang
Fu Shi Ren
Xu Sheng
Zhu Huan
Ding Feng
Zhuge Jin
Sun Jian Army
V: Defeat Tadakatsu Honda.
D: Lu Meng is defeated.
Coalition Army
Tadatsugu Sakai
Yasumasa Sakakibara
Naomasa Ii
Xu Sheng
Zhu Huan
Honda Army
Tadamasa Honda
Tadatomo Honda
Muneyori Yagyu
Shigekata Togo
Tadaaki Ono
Kanesuke Susukida
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Su Jian is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Sun Shao
Zhu Zhi
Jiang Qin
Cheng Pu
Chen Shi
Zhu Huan
Dong Xi
Xu Sheng
Orochi Army
Zhong Hui
Xing Daorong
Zhang Ji
Yan Yu
Cao Xing
Lei Bo
Wen Pin
Wei Xu
Gao Shun
Chen Lan
Mi Fang
Zhang Yan
Yang Huai
Song Xian
Yan Baihu
Hu Che Er
Li Jue
Lu Su
Xu Rong
Li Meng
Hua Xiong
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Hidetada Tokugawa is defeated.
Coalition Army
Hidetada Tokugawa
Chikayoshi Hiraiwa
Tositsune Maeda
Tadamasa Mori
Yukinaga Konishi
Chunyu Qiong
Yasumasa Ishikawa
Zhu Zhi
Orochi Army
Lu Kuang
Lei Bo
Chen Lan
Tsunamoto Oniniwa
Shigenaga Katakura
Hidemune Date
Tsunenaga Hasekura
Lu Xiang
Li Su
Zhang Ji
Cao Xing
Yang Huai
No worry, I am now just begining to translate some sub-officer names (i'm using your O1-Shu)
ReplyDeleteGuy, this is the best way to prove KOEI that we can translate games just like that official localizers (without any money). You have my greatest gratitude for your work.
ReplyDeletep.s.: I'm sorry for my poor knowledge of English. I'm from Russia :xd:
Thanks a ton dude..!!Really appreciate it..!!I really owe u one ^_^
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for english patch for a year and at last i found it!!!thanks a lot man!!
ReplyDeletethanks for the translation!
ReplyDeleteI want to use the trainer for cheating, but I don't understand the options, would anyone mind to translate it for me? :-)
If you want to cheat / edit your save/game. I suggest you should use "OrochiZEdior" by Van ~ use google, if u can't fing it, i'll upload. It's in English and better than this one. Btw I'll remove this trainer soon because I figure another way to patch texture without writing directly into linkdata1.bin.
ReplyDeleteone download i found needs me to register, it would be convenient if you can upload it for us. that's awesome! thanks!
ReplyDeleteOrochiZEditor v1.01 by Van
I tried to translate the trainer but can't since it' in Chinese, not Japanese. I currently don't know the font code of Chinese program... and Jap & Chs character are similar but not the same.
ei bro thanks for the english patch for this game looking for something like this along time ago anyways.. bro i just wanna know how to unlock lvl 4 weapons? like the fierce dragon for zhao yun
ReplyDeleteIt's easy, just play on Chaos mode or Hard mode (at least 4 star difficulty). I prefer Orochi 2 - Samurai Warrior story - stage 1 (1 star - Chaos mode).
ReplyDeletehey buddy i m chan..i kinda have problem wif the dialogue can help me?after launching it it appear "cant open link data1.bin"
ReplyDeletehi, the patch is working but i wonder when i start the game not all the text are translated
ReplyDeleteeg. the ability and weapon elements are not translated..
but on the screen shot you've shown the weapon and ability are already translated..
do you know how to solve this?
@atm, you have to manually use the trainer I uploaded above to import texture patch (BIN files), read the instruction or watch the Flash movie to know how to apply texture patch. The text patch (patch.exe) only required to run at OZ folder and the dialog patch (orochiz.exe) only have to overwrite the original one...
ReplyDeleteIf you have an error with linkdata1 or crash game, you have to use your backup linkdata1.bin & linkdata1.idx. If you didn't backup them, you have to re-install the game and apply texture patch again. It's easy but a little confuse, so it's easy to crash if you don't follow EXACTLY what I wrote or the FLASH video.
BTW, i'll release 8 O2-Wei chapters and the launcher on this weekend. You guys will no longer have to manually import directly into linkdata1.bin anymore...
do i need to download all the text, texture, and dialog patch from the first release til lastest release?
ReplyDeleteJust want to say thank you for all your hard work in patching this for us. You are truly awesome.
ReplyDeleteYou must finish your translation , i can't wait for your patch
ReplyDeleteYou only have to download the 3 last patch (texture,dialog,conv.)
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you praise. That's the moltivation for me to continue my translation... btw i'll release all 8 stages of O2-Wei and the texture launcher patch today or tomorrow... i'm kind of busy, not as free as couple weeks ago, so can't do faster...
Thanks to the autor for a patch. good job waiting for updates and do not in any way do not leave work on the translation :)
ReplyDeleteHey Guys... hope this helps you for the 4 new character weapon names and move lists
San Zang
Thank you, i'll check them and translate move set / weapon for them at next release. Btw, today I only release 2 stages of O2-Wei... I already got all the script for 8 stages but don't have enough time for hex editing all of them... so be patient. And have fun with new launcher, you can use your original Linkdata1.Bin and Linkdata1.Idx files now, don't have to keep them as back-up anymore... read "readme.txt" for more info!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hard work making this patch. How long is the new dialogue patch supposed to take? It just sits there at please wait for 10 minutes or so before I close it.
ReplyDeletethe ldrACC.exe does not work for me. It keeps saying "Windows can not access the specified device, path, or file." Also my AVG seems to think it is a trojan virus.
ReplyDelete@robotdeer: I'll check it again, it's written by a Chinese so I'm not sure much since my computer doesn't have any anti-virus software. But the window said that because your AVG already move / quarrantine it so window can't not access to "ldrAcc.exe".
ReplyDeleteAnd dialog patch usually takes around 10s to run but sometime it rebuilt your Linkdata file so it'll take around 5-10 min. If you open your Orochi Z folder when it is patching, you'll see there's a temp file that is increasing size, and when it's around 1.7Gb, it'll finish.
Congratlations for an amazing job!
ReplyDeleteHi,its me again.You guys really are hardworker aren't you? Salute for you,keep up the good job!Well,i wanna report something.I played in Chaos and then make interim save.When i go to main menu, the continue windows show EASY in difficulty info.Maybe you can fix that.And,Clan names in story mode select i think its better with original kanji(like DW6 US).You can put small english text on the bottom of Clan names(its editable texture,right?).Well,thats just my suggestion for better looking:D.Thanks again
ReplyDeleteur English patch - Jun 23, 2010 (latest texture patch) do not work 4 me. i get errors. i use winrar i like the old way 2 patch. n thank you 4 ur hard work.
ReplyDeleteso at least 2 years we can launch warriors orochi z english 100 percent patch isn't it? :d. koei should praise your effort. uhm... sorry...if you can change the word "musou orochi z" at the titile before the main menu into "warriors orochi z", that will be nice
ReplyDeleteis there anyway i can make this game full screen with this English patch? great work btw!
ReplyDelete- you can try edit ldrset.ini, with width & height is your screen's and stretch = 1. I didn't test it, always run in window modes since my LCD is 4:3...
ReplyDelete- about the title, praticaly I can edit it but I have to remake some elements and i don't think it's importanct so save it for later.
- about the texture patch, someone reported that the exe contains trojan so someone plz check it for me with Bitdefend, kaspersky or something...
- about the clan name, I edit it like the Orochi 1 English but your idea is not bad... and I don't really like the font I am using for them too... maybe i'll use ur idea
- and thx for your notice... i'll fix that difficulty error...
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. You are doing an amazing job, keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHey man, keep up the good work, really appreciate it man.
ReplyDelete-fellow viet brother
You're doing really great work *thumbs up*
ReplyDeleteThere is no real trojan in your exe, but the code resembles one. My avira pops up as well, screaming at me to delete your file.
I'm tempted to do so, but for another reason - the forced screen-mode is a pain in the ass. Don't know why, but my screen is always darker, when running windows. I start a fullscreen-game, it brightens up, I change it to windows-mode, it gets darker. Isn't really a problem except when playing darker games. WOZ has some quite dark levels and those are getting next to unplayable when in window-mode. There is no use in editing the launcher to stretch the window for it stays what it is - a window. So plz, make the graphic options and especially the full-screen available with your launcher - or release the bin files of your latest launchers as well so that we can choose to update manually or run your launcher =)
if you patch english and fix the name of weapons, that's good. i want to know what they are talking about since i don't have a ps3 or ps2 :d
ReplyDeleteFull screen is available. Just enable it in the options of the game itself. It works even with the launcher. ;)
ReplyDeleteskill upgrade name selections are better with three chars if you could do that
Almighty -> Alm (btw it should be Might imo)
and treasure typo? Shallow Shell (without 's)
also i agree with guruguruMusou idea:
"Clan names in story mode select i think its better with original kanji(like DW6 US).You can put small english text on the bottom of Clan names"
and last thing GOOD JOB!! thanks :)
- Yeah, i'm thinking of change the clan's name, but I'll do when I have time...
ReplyDelete- I'll save time for correct all the typo later, so just report / comment all bugs u guys found here and I'll fix them all.
- About the fullscreen: if you want to run fullscreen with the launcher, just open ldrset.ini and set the weight, height you want (i prefer desktop size) and run launcher, go to graphic option and set to fullscreen. You only can't change the resolution when using launcher but still can use fullscreen, I've already tested!
- And i'm pretty busy right now... always back home around 8pm+... but I'll have a laptop pretty soon, so I hope the progress will be faster...
Well, if you could finish it like xbox 360 warriors orochi 2, very impressive then :D
ReplyDeleteYes, all my translations are based on my PS2 O1 & O2... I only rewrite it to match the limited-text-space since CHS/JAP games don't use many spaces like other languages.
ReplyDeleteyes i did it thanks so much for patch english warriors orochi z ^.*
ReplyDeleteOK, you were right - fullscreen works perfect. Still there pops up a warning about your launcher being harmfull. My avira kills the launcher every third or fourth day, forcing me to download it again which gets quite annoying after some time... Therefore the bin-files for manual patching would be very much appreciated =)
ReplyDeletei have follow your patch but the problem is same of the o can't find for limited* and Zadion* folder but i see same change on the game.... have extarct Text English patch - May 24 2010 and Dialogs English patch - May 15, 2010.... and run it file in the this extarct... done and next i extract all of your textur file but i can find that folder
ReplyDeleteyou could be professional if you can fix the option by adding the "Select language: English - Japanese" like Dynasty warriors 4 Hyper PC...:D
ReplyDeleteMay I ask, how long could you patch English 100%? If the patch is perfect, you could send the patch to "KOEI warriors" website, the fan could appreciate it :D
ReplyDelete@diky The latest english patch is June 03, the dialogs english patch and the english patch is june 23, look at the download link again they are underlined and highlighted in color orange...
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem as diky, after running the dialog patch there is no limited* or Zadion* folder.
ReplyDeleteI have a problem, when I activate fullscreen from within the game, it takes really long to load any level, but when in window mode it only takes a few seconds? Is there any way to prevent the long loading times in fullscreen? Because my PC is not too powerful, so it can't run the desktop size very well in window mode.
ReplyDeleteGreat work on the patch. It really makes the game that much better when you can understand it.
ReplyDeleteA side question, whenever I try to run the game full screen, even without patching the game, it "freezes" on the screen with the shining Z. The Z just shines non stop, even after 10-15 mins but the map does not load. Windowed mode works fine but with FPS drops sometimes because my computer is pretty old. Any ideas why Full screen gets stuck?
WOrk pefect thanks uploader would kiss u if i seen u
ReplyDeletegame works perfect thank you
ReplyDeleteWow, thank you very much. Great job on the patches. 2 thumbs up.
ReplyDeleteAwesome work guys! I am looking forward for full version of this Warriors Orochi Z English Patch
ReplyDeleteYou don't have ideia how much i happy because of you! thanks a lot man
ReplyDeleteIf you need some text that was in First Warriors Orochi Game, ask me.
ReplyDeleteI have a first Warriors Orochi game in my lap top and I can help you.
- I'm begin translating again... fix some textures for better looking & some minor typo, hex edit all sub-generals name & condition for O1-Shu & try to finish conversation for O2-Wei 3-8 too (i had the scripts but now have to match them with japanese & hex edit)...
ReplyDelete- I'm a Flash designer so I have a little knowledge of programming, only some basic logic for program game... so don't expect me do anything involve programming. All patch I using are mostly created by Chinese (OrochiZEditor, Editor, launcher, RPGViewer...)
- I don't know when I can finish this, there're still many text & texture I can't (or didn't found) edit.
* Generals name - it keeps appear ??? if I hex them to English.
* Generals Avatar (at camp screen) & Stage name (at battle menu) - the extractor don't allow me to etract them as a pack (many frames) only as a picture (which is the first generals - Zhao Yun; first stage - Battle of Shi Ting). I think the extractor isn't complete but the same for v1.6 (last version for Japanese OZ) and RPGViewer has the same problems... maybe because of OZ's BIN files.
* Pre-battle or after battle conversation - I found them on BIN files but OrochiZEditor doesn't support patching automatic (like the Dialog patch). So I'll save it for later & asking my friends to make a small patch for them later.
- So you can post this patch anywhere, just keep the readme.txt or reference this blog so people can get the update.
- The patch contains 3 seperated files: DIALOG PATCH (dialog patch.exe), TEXTURE PATCH (ldr launcher), TEXT PATCH (Orochi_Z.exe). You have to download all 3 files to patch the game (Well I intend to put them all together but someone request to seperate them and I think it's good though)
- About the Fullscreen problem, I didn't see that before. My PC is around 4-5 years old (CPU 3Ghz, 1 Gb ram, 256M ATI). Btw, try reduce all the settings in advance settings and save, maybe it change the settings when you switch to fullscreen... i'm not sure.
o.o ic i not download last version...when u can see the last version is the ornage big on...that i can find folder that u mean thanks it work....sor
ReplyDeleteHoly Sword!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for English patch!!
Some suggestions... ^^
Чо за хуйня, почему у меня в полноэкраном режиме не идет!!
И кстати какого хуя в текстур патче вхуячен троян, а??
переводчик жжот, захуй троян то совать, ты его бы лучше себе в жопу сунул, а за перевод спасибо!!
пиздец и когда будет обновление, а?? где китайцы епти.
not much nice words in Russian huh... btw I'll update when I want to. And well I already said at the beginning, use this patch by ur own risk... I can't find better launcher on Chinese forum. The old version without virus warning didn't work btw...
ReplyDeleteHi man,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I want to thank you for all this effort. It's people like you that make the world a little brighter once in a while :).
However, I haven't been able to fully use your patch, since I can't seem to find the Launcher that's mentioned in the texture part. I download the latest patch (dated 24 march) and in it are only the BIN files mentioned in the flash. When I try to open them using the Trainer I seem to fail even though I follow the instructions to the letter...
Perhaps you can help me find this launcher and explain how to extract everything into my MOZ folder?
Hi, i have a question. I did everything what is in the instruction, and it works truly, because the main mainmenu is english, and the name of the characters, and weapons too, but the texts and dialogs are still japanese. What did i wrong? The Dialog trans says Processing patch 4251: Done etc... press any key. But it doesent work. pls help (sorry for my English. I am Hungarian)
ReplyDelete- All three latest patchestext,texture,dialogs) are in June, not March. Please download the latest ones in underlined & orange colored.
ReplyDelete- Lovag: if you want the conversation (in-battle) in English, you have to run dialog.exe (dialog patch) in Orochi Z folder and wait until it done, sometime it only takes 5-10s but sometime maybe 5-10 min. Btw, English conversations are now only available in Orochi2-Shu campaign (all 8 stages) and Orochi2-Wei campaign (first 2 stages).
I did everything. Now in my Orochi Z folder are these: bgm, data movie, Reg, for limited, Zadion, Ver1.3 64bit folders and LINKDATA1, LINKDATA2, LINKDATA3 Readme unins000, OROCHI_Z, OROCHI_Z(untouch), Zadion from Ali, ldrset, ldrACC, ACCload.dll, Dialog trans (June 23) files.
ReplyDeleteThe Dialog trans (June 23) says:
Processing Patch 4251: Done
Processing Patch 4252: Done
Processing Patch 4253: Done
Processing Patch 4254: Done
Processing Patch 4255: Done
Processing Patch 4256: Done
Processing Patch 4257: Done
Processing Patch 4258: Done
Processing Patch 4259: Done
Processing Patch 4260: Done
Processing Patch 4075: Done
Press any key..._
Ipess enter, and start warriors orochi z. The mainmenu is englis. I enter the story mode and than the Shu story (warriors orochi 1) I select the first map. Than comes a video, and than the a voce started to speak japanase and the subtitle is also japanase. Then i start the map, and Zhao Yun is sitting in a prison, and start to speak japanase, and the subtitle is japanase too. If i skip this the subtitles still japanase. i also tried the latest versions with zan programe but it didnt work. Pls help.
I can't launch the game using the ldrACC.exe.It keeps saying "Windows can not access the specified device, path, or file."
ReplyDelete- Lovag: yeah u have installed all the patch. But like I said above, English conversation only available in Orochi 2 - Shu campaign & 2 first stages of Orochi 2 - Wei campaign. I haven't patch Orochi 1 campaign yet.
ReplyDelete- Many antivirus software detect ldrACC.exe as virus file so they will delete or quarantine it. therefore window can't run that file. So stop the software or put ldrACC.exe into trusted location.
Congratulations for the great work Holy Sword!
ReplyDeleteI have found an error in the name of the SW3 character "Shimazu Yoshihiro", you wrote "Simazu"
Thank you for your great work!
ReplyDeleteCan you please explain the options in the .ini file?
I managed to stretch to fullscreen,(stretch=1, i think) but the game shows too vertically stretched
hey i get a error when running dialog trans.exe it says cannot open linkdata1.bin "press any key"
ReplyDeleteplz help
hey help me this launcher "ldrACC.exe" and this folders for limited* Zadion* did not appear to me I did all the steps :S
ReplyDelete@pamela: thx, I fixed that typo in this Aug 09 released. btw, did your name come from the ghost girl from Mana Khemia 1? :D
ReplyDelete- If you want fullscreen, first run the game without launcher and go to option, graphic and set to fullscreen and change resolution to 4:3. Then option, save, quit game and use launcher. Stretch=1 simply stretch your game window to the resolution you set in .ini file.
- If u get a error like can't open linkdata, please make sure the game is not running or any other programm is accessing it. And well, you have to run dialog.exe inside Orochi Z folder...
- If you can't find Limited / Zadion, please make sure you download the latest Texture patch (which is Aug 09 by now). There are 2 versions of texture patch: with launcher and without launcher for old people who are familiar with import tool.
@Holy Sword: You mean my name or last name? btw, I never heard about Mana Khemia 1, is it a game, anime or manga?
ReplyDelete@Pamela: I mean the name "Pamela", well it's a popular name? Mana Khemia is a game on PS2 or PSP. A RPG school-based game, quite good 2D animation but not suitable for who like 3D games because this game's terrain use 2.5D technique.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I just test 3D version of Orochi Z last week, quite good. I'll post the software & screenshot for who want to try it on 3D. The depth if ok but major inside, not outside the screen since this game is not programmed for 3D playing.
Holy Sword please help me... I do EVERYTHING you tell to do but i get this message "Windows can not access the device, path or file specified. You may not have appropriate permissions to access the item.". I use Windows 7 x64 What could be the problem? Thanks for the help
ReplyDeleteI did read the comments for a while and i saw your comment about Anti Virus Sistem..... After it Worked...=) Thanks a lot!! Great work u r doing
ReplyDelete@Thiago: I intend to reply you yesterday but my internet connection is very $%^# these day so I can't post my reply. Btw it's good that you can solve the problem.
ReplyDeletehey i installed this patch like its said above but all the dialogs are in japanese everything else is fine could someone help me
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot man, you did a wonderful work.
Holy Sword, I don't know if you still need this or not, but I am posting this anyway.
V: Defeat Cao Pi.
D: Nobutada Oda, Huang Zhong, or Guan Ping is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Hideyori Toyotomi
Nagahide Niwa
Hanbei Takenaka
Meng Da
Orochi Army
Xu Rong
Man Chong
Guo Jia
Naoyasu Akaza
Suketada Ogawa
Shigemasa Toda
Huang Zhong Army
Gongsun Yue
V: Nobunaga Oda arrives at Honnoji.
D: Nobutada Oda or Cao Cao is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Toshiie Maeda (NPC)
Nagahide Niwa
Meng Da
Orochi Army
Xu Sheng
Ding Feng
Takatsugu Kyogoku
Sadatsugu Tsutsui
Cao Cao Army
V: Defeat Sima Yi and Peasant arrives at the Escape Point.
D: Peasant is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Hidemitsu Akechi
Toshiie Maeda (NPC)
Gongsun Yue
Orochi Army
Wang Shuang
Guo Huai
Zhong Hui
Xin Pi
Sima Zhao
Wang Lang
Ma Chao Army
V: Defeat Zhang Jiao, Okuni, Xiao Qiao and Sakon Shima.
D: The main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Zhang Ren
Sadakatsu Murai
Bian Xi
Jian Yong
Yang Xiu
Kanbei Kuroda
Zhang Jiao Army
Zhang Bao
Zhang Liang
Junkei Tsutsui
Nobukimi Anayama
Yu Ji
Kuai Liang
Zhang Man Cheng
Katsumoto Katagiri
Lu Gong
Cheng Yuanzhi
Deng Mao
Guan Hai
V: Defeat Cao Ren.
D: Either Nobutada Oda or Luu Xun is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Hidemitsu Akechi
Hideyori Toyotomi
Toshiie Maeda (NPC)
Zhang Ren
Orochi Army
Guo Jia
Hao Zhao
Yue Jin
Xu Shu
Cao Zhang
Cheng Yu
Man Chong
Naoyasu Akaza
Yoshitsugu Otani
Suketada Ogawa
Hiroie Kikkawa
Shigemasa Toda
Tamehiro Hiratsuka
Masataka Kasahara
Hidemoto Mori
Lu Xun Army
V: Defeat Dong Zhuo and Sakon Shima arrives at the Escape Point.
D: Nobutada Oda or Sakon Shima is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Yoshimasa Tanaka
Narimasa Sassa
Hirohide Hirate
Hidemitsu Akechi
Orochi Army
Tomomichi Iwanari
Murashige Araki
Nagayuki Miyoshi
Masayasu Miyoshi
Hua Xiong
Xu Rong
Niu Fu
Lu Jue
Li Ru
Dong Min
Tao Qian
Guo Si
Sakon Shima Troop
V: Defeat Dong Zhuo.
D: The main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Hanbei Takenaka
Zhang Man Cheng
Kanbei Kuroda
Toshinaga Maeda
Orochi Army
Niu Fu
Guo Si
Hua Xiong
Xu Rong
Hu Che Er
Fan Chou
Li Su
Yoshinobu Satake
Fusamoto Makabe
Dong Min
V: Defeat Da Ji.
D: The main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Hidemitsu Akechi
Nagahide Niwa
Shigetomo Takayama
Meng Da
Guan Hai
Cheng Yuanzhi
Zhang Ren
Sun Li
Nobumori Sakuma
Liu Feng
Orochi Army
Mi Fang
Yang Huai
Sun Shao
Wei Xu
Ji Ling
Yan Pu
Yan Yu
Nobushige Oyamada
Naoshige CHiba
Kazutada Nakamura
Tatsuoki Saito
V: Defeat Cao Pi and Sun Quan.
D: Shingen Takeda or Kenshin Uesugi is defeated.
Coalition Army
Ujisato Gamo
Zhang Ren
Orochi Army
Hao Zhao
Zhu Huan
Man Chong
Takatora Todo
Chen Shi
Ekei Ankokuji
Yoshisugu Otani
Satoie Gamo
Yue Jin
Hiroie Kikkawa
Hideyasu Yuki
Masaie Natsuka
Zhuge Luo
Nagamasa Kurudo
Takeda-Uesugi Army
Kageie Kakizaki
Kansuke Yamamoto
V: Defeat Cao Pi.
D: Nobutada Oda is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Hanbei Takenaka
Masachika Matsuda
Kaneaki Mimaki
Ittetsu Inaba
Orochi Army
Hideyasu Yuki
Chen SHi
Ding Feng
Pan Zhang
Ma Zhong
Yu Jin
Yue Jin
Fu Shi Ren
Zhang Yan
Yoshitsugu Maeba
Naoyasu Akaza
Suketada Ogawa
Hidemoto Mori
Tamehiro Hiratsuka
Shigemasa Toda
Hao Zhao
Cao Hong
Cao Zhang
Cao Zhen
V: Defeat Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.
D: Nobutada Oda is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Mitsuharu Fuwa
Hidemasa Hori
Nagahide Niwa
Yasumasa Sakuma
Zhang Ren
Nagachika Kanamori
Leng Bao
Orochi Army
V: Defeat Da Ji.
D: Nobutada Oda is defeated, or the main camp falls.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Meng Da
Kazumasu Takigawa
Nagayoshi Mori
Yoshiaki Kato
Narimassa Sassa
Ittetsu Inaba
Bokuzen Ujiie
Toshiie Maeda (NPC)
Orochi Army
Chen Lan
Mi Fang
Mitsuyasu Shimura
Kojuro Katakura
Nobuyasu Giti
Shigezane Date
Chinori Suibara
Dokyu Yamagami
Michiyasu Kurushima
Yoshimitsu Murakami
Yan Baihu
Shigenaga Honjo
Zhang Ji
Yang Huai
Yan Pu
Cao Xing
Lei Bo
V: Defeat Masamune Date.
D: Huang Zhong is defeated.
Coalition Army
Yasuharu Wakisaka
Mitsuharu Fuwa
Yan Tan
Orochi Army
Koroku Hachisuka
Shigemoto Makabe
Wang Lang
Zhang Ying
Zhag Lu
Chen Gong
Guo Jia
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Nobutada Oda is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Meng Da
Liu Feng
Masakiyo Morozumi
Hanbei Takenaka
Shigeie Shibata
Nagahide Niwa
Orochi Army
Sadatsugu Tsutsui
Minbu Satomi
Yan Baihu
Shigemoto Makabe
Kazutada Nakamura
Zhang Ji
Mi Fang
V: Defeat Orochi.
D: Nobutada Oda is defeated.
Coalition Army
Nobutada Oda
Nobumori Sakuma
Huangfu Song
Hanbei Takenaka
Koroku Hacisuka
Orochi Army
Lu Kuang
Lu Xiang
Cao Xing
Sadaoki Ise
Yasuie Namikawa
No Army
Tadaoki Hosokawa
Zhu Jun
@Roby: yeah, I still need them. I used your posts in the last releases for sub-general names & conditions. So keep up the work if u can.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I think I have listed all the conditions and sub-generals. from 4 story scenarios. If I find more, I will post it here again.
ReplyDeleteHoly Sword, I can help you with Orochi 1.
ReplyDeleteI have everything completed, and I can give the name of officers, conditions etc, and I'm good with japanese.
my msn is: akechi_pam@hotmail.co.jp
PLEASE, delete this post after you read it.
@pamela: thank for offering help. I'll send you a brief tutorial on patching diaglogs (conversation) ~ maybe by the end of this week. I hope you can help me in that part. Btw do you know about or already have software to convert between Japanese code (Unicode - Shift-JIS) ?
ReplyDeletehi thanks 4 the path...i did wat u hv said and my main menu works well bt when i start the game it started to appear back the original jp text..could anyone help me?
ReplyDelete@xiang: I only translate almost all the UI (menu, in-game menu, character name, weapon name, etc.) And for conversation in-game, English is only available in Orochi 2 - Shu campaign & Wei campaign.
ReplyDeleteHey Holy incredible work, I want to help you to continue with the project. If you want help contact me.
ReplyDeleteRegards guachibo.
i c....bt my one shu n wei also jp wor...i can't find whr did i patch wrong leh...
ReplyDeleteSome people, like myself, like the english voice acting. I would love to see the english voice actings on this game as well.
ReplyDeleteTo whoever says we don't need it, just because you don't like, doesn't mean we should keep with the japanese voice overs.
Both sides have the right to enjoy the game.
hey nice work, i like it, the japanese language always make me confuse :D
ReplyDeletei patch bt it appear eror report and the dialog is still in japaneese...cam anyone pls help?
ReplyDeletethe patch crach the game i 1 stage from SW
ReplyDeletesorry man I have a problem you could help me everything is in English except on pliz dialogues could help would appreciate very much my msn is el_angel_de_muerte_3000@hotmail.com agregame please or upload a new Pacht that is unique to the dialogues please
ReplyDeletehi, i have a problem runing the game, i know this is not a forum to resolve this problems but i couln't find and english one, so please help, the problem is i already install the game, but when i try to run it pop a blue screen with the Z like if its goin to load the game but after that the game crashes and closed, i have reinstalled the game 3 times and is the same problem i dont know why, i have AVG antivirus,dont know if has something to do, please help :(
ReplyDeletehi, i patch the game and my antivir AVG says ldrACC is a trojan horse i know is not, so i put it ignore, but when i try to run the game from the ldrACC exe says windows have no acces it may dond have premission, what can i do? please help angeldmultra@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteSo what's probably the reason if the game crashes on startup even with the default install files?
ReplyDeleteso i have tried the step by step over and over, and im still having an issue with your patch. I replace the file, thats ez. Then i extraxt and try to eun dialog patch, and it cant find the first .bin file.so i try the iother method, and the next patch for textures gives me an error. If you could hit me back at clay.browning(@)gmail.com that would be rad. thanks
ReplyDeletehey dude why's there no more story updates?
ReplyDeleteI hate to sound demanding but can u be a bit faster?
I'm a little curious, how you import the edited images back to game?
ReplyDeleteSorry for bad english :S
And thanks to the patch.
u are awesome. keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteI have a problem! I installed the patch, the game runs well, but in game there are no lifebars(yours,allies and enemies), no dialogue(only voice), no K.O count.